Monday, March 29, 2010

Creating Links

In order to create a link, you can use a simple hypertext markup language (HTML) technique. If you were writing about newspapers and wanted to reference the Journal Sentinel, you could add a link like this:

"People often say that newspapers are dying off, but the Journal Sentinel still reaches 160,000 readers everyday."

You do this by including an exact array of jargon, which Stovall illustrates on page 173 in the book. Basically, you write your sentence, decide where you would like to direct the reader, decide what word you want to take them there, and then add the dashes and letters. In the example Stovall gives, the fictional website is a widget manufacturing outlet, and the word that takes you there is "widget."

If this way does not appeal to you, there is an automatic linking command on Blogger. Simply highlight the word that you want to serve as the link and click on the green circle thing at the top of the post. It will then give you the option of entering the website you want the link to go to.

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