Saturday, April 3, 2010

young career women choose money over play

With the recent economy it's easy to understand why young career women, or any person, would need to choose work or over free time. According to the USA Today Snapshot "What Young Career Women Choose to Give up" 54% of these women said they choose to give up some of their personal time for more money, and 46% said they'd give up some salary for more personal time.

This information seems to make sense at first glance. The graph and title imply that women are faced with this choice between work and personal time, however, the informational sentence on the side states that 46% of career women 22 to 35 years old report that they currently have an equal balance of work and personal life. The fact that these don't match up make it confusing overall.

If 46% of women choose to give up salary for personal time then how can 46% of them say that they have an equal balance? You have to think about it just a few seconds longer to understand, but for the internet reader, those seconds are precious. It would have only take an extra word or two to make the overall effect concise.



  1. I looked at this graphic and I couldn't agree more that the statistics are incredibly misleading. Are all career women faced with the decision of giving up either money or personal time? This graphic seems to think so.

    What it doesn't account for in the chart itself is the amount of women that are happy with their current situation. It does mention on the sidebar that 46% of women are happy with the balance they currently have. So where is that information in the graphic?

    Failing to include this information makes the graphic inherently misleading. One of the issues I have with most of these USA Today Snapshots is their black and white nature. Information is presented to either be choice a or choice b, with no grey area. This graphic is no exception.

  2. I also agree with how confusing the chart is. It's statistics do not make sense and are also very vague. They give one or two broad choices and clump everyone into these few groups instead of taking into consideration the many different aspects that go along with these choices.

    Further explanation of the poll would help viewers understand at a glance a lot more.
